am in the midst of my 3 hour break.. which is a HUGE relieve after the buzz of activities this morning.. reached school at around 8 and met
lip chun!! this guy's a dear man! take care and hang on!! haha
rushed my bcs project and finally finished loh.. though there were things that were's that good, like the flash intro didn't really linked properly and the music wasn't really tested... and i had to run up 6 levels loh to phyllis' room and submitted the stupid thing at 8.59, when the project is supposed to be due at 9.00?? haha. thank god... :P
due to the rush and everything, was kinda tired and started zoning out during the intro to hospi and touri tutorial.. sorry mr prakash for being so lame!! haha, hoped u didn't mind!! :)
now gonna discuss the presentation which is tomorrow loh, haiz, FORMAL WEAR leh.. tired.. and zoned out.. but still happenin!!
wanna thank berton,
which oops, who was always so helpful to me and never hesitating to offer his services (or it might be me cuz i was kinda thickskinned) :P.. anyways, you rocked!!!
countdown to genting: 15 DAYS! YAH!!!
posted by the protagonist . @ 1:05 PM
haiz... i'm sick!!!
-sniffs- didn't go to school today as was having sore throat and there are like bazillion ulcers in my mouth. which is
not a good thing considering the fact that they hurt like hell... and apparently everybody's falling sick...
terence, jo, aish, hang in there k!
projects... assignments.. deadlines!! ARGH.. haha.. maybe not to that extent lah but yup, can feel the strain.. but i'll pull through, no worries... :)
had online lesson today loh for
travel geog which in my opinion one of the most troublesome module that i have to take (the other being
bcs, which is SO boring) - roll eyes - was supposed to do discussion for a scenario which was supposed to take 1 hour only.. but guess wat, group 3 being group 3, took the whole of 2 hours and we submitted it 6 mins late, which i tot was ok.. hehe... cuz got some people lah.. couldn't agree on stuff and were quarralling like wat..
online? i mean.. grow up man....
submitting the scholarship tomorrow.. really hope to get it though but might be a trouble with my less than ideal olevels... nonetheless, shall give it a try... and with regards to my endless list of ccas, here's the update and i hope this wil be it :P..
- currently in
com service liao (confirmed)
- joining
pacesetters (confirmed)
- joinin
hospi and touri interest group sub com (confirmed)
tennis if
poh chin, amelia and
sister tracy decides to join.. (tentative)
so i think that's about it loh.. and wanna wish my ma,
JOSEPHINE, a very very very happie 17th birthday! from your cutest and smartest son,
ME! sorry couldn't be in school and celebrate with ya... :(
also a happie birthday to gorgeous MELISSA! may you stay pretty as always and get better in math k!! haha
-pukes- celebrated it together with
gene at
far east last fri.. so funnie and never laughed so much in a long time liao... took neoprints as well (YAH!!) and like bazallion pics on my camera.. (with
mel around.. its impossible NOT to take pics)
and finally confirmed
genting liao.. so happy!! here's the list..
me, alex, hao, terence, aishah, farissa, cassandra, amelia, tracy, kelly, felicia, crystal and danni... 13 pax, so must squeeze a bit since the hotel room could only accommodate 4... and didn't go
grasslands loh cuz the one at school promised that everybody got 2 breakfast while didn't turn out that way after we booked the thing... only have 4 breakfasts per room, meaning that we'd all get to eat on the first day and eat grass on the second.. kinda felt ripped off.. but alas, what to do? but still looking forward to it though.. :)
10/11/12... 19 days to go!!!!
posted by the protagonist . @ 9:00 PM
as you can see people.. i FINALLY got a tag board!! haha... so people.. tag, tag TAG!!!
anyways, here's a lowdown on the past week...
went to watch
spiderman with a lotta people last wed.. hmm let me see..
christine tang, fer, amanda, carene, di, kelly, amelia, hao, alex, terence, tracy, far and danni... quite a nice show in the sense that i tot it was nicer that the first one, but the girls tot that it was kinda cheesy... :( quote fer "i am your bread, you are my butter" -rolls eyes-
nowadays are kinda filled with projects and stuff.. discussions etc.. though days are quite long.. its fun and enjoyable.. so well people.. i AM enjoying myself! hehe...
went to watch
mean girls with
neph today.. nice show, though i gotta admit that it was like a chick flick loh.. but i enjoyed it though plus the fact that
linsay lohan absoulutely rocked!! she is so so so pretty! :) highly recommended...
but something malu happened loh.. there were like 3 ahmad ibrahim girls and one of them accidentally knocked OFF my coke loh.. and it spilled all over the next seat.. so so so MALU!!!! and the girl who knocked it off didn't even apologise.. but i was kinda cool about it cuz couldn't really blame her loh.. but her friend was nice in the sense that she wanted to offer me her drink.. but its ok loh... still malu though.. ;)
genting with
alex, terence, kelly, tracy, hao, far, aishah, amelia, crystal, danni and cass during term break.. think gonna enjoy it lots.. looking forward.. 10/11/12 of aug.. can wait!!! genting.. HERE I COME!!! hehe...
posted by the protagonist . @ 8:45 PM

Heart of Gold
What is Your Heart REALLY Made of? brought to you by Quizilla
hehe.. heart of gold... wat ya think?!
posted by the protagonist . @ 11:19 PM
dotz.. jus realised that i haven't really been undating my blog as often or as frequent as before... poly's in full swing now and my class rocks compared to lip chun's... poor dude.. but its business information technology after all.. how happening can you get?
hm.. shall attempt to summarise whatever that has happened during the past few weeks in this entry.. so brace yourselves people as this might get quite long.. hehe...
lessons that boon currently has...
-intro to hospi and touri (interesting)
-business computing skills (boring)
-applied principles for effective living (apel)(contact time)
-travel geography (virtual lesson)
-microeconomics (dotz.)
-communication skills (think gp)
-tourism transport business (virtual lesson
-fundamentals of food and beverage science (always gets zifu and me hungry)
intro to hospi and touri
well, contrary to popular opinion, i actually
like intro to hospi and touri.. i think that though its quite dry, the syallabus is actually quite practical in the sense that you DO get to know more about how the whole industry operates and i think its quite essential for us when we get into the real world...
business computing skills
this has gotta be like one of the most boring subjects ever.. i mean how interesting can it get when the first few lects are based on information technology and you? and the lecturer's jus so monotonous that the students are dropping like dead flies.. (myself included) thank god that this is jus an hour lecture otherwise i might jus collapse... haha... and we get to learn dreamweaver and microsoft excel during the THREE HOUR lab lesson, which basically is tutorial as well.. and i think that lab lessons are basically not that good (ie useless) cuz people are like using msn and updating blogs when the teacher's teaching and nobody really listens much...
applied principles for effective living
this really is civics and moral education poly style. and it includeds topics like
knowing me knowing you , identifying one's purpose in life , sowing the seeds of effective living , NAVIGATING THE CROSSROADS OF LIFE. dotz. i mean, how duh can you get?
travel geography + tourism transport business
since they are about the same, shall jus talk about them together. basically, both are online lessons, meaning that the teacher would not be in class and you need not be in school for both lessons. which is really quite stupid considering the fact that they are both in the morning and i still have lessons in the later part of the day, separated by an hour's break, which means that i still have to come to school early in the morning... which means, dotz.
guess everyone knows what microecons is lah. and jus about everybody knows that i absolutely suck at econs. and the lecturer is like going super fast loh. i mean, she covered whatever i learnt in 3 months into like less that 3 hours loh. and that's super man. tutorials are still ok. at least for the moment. geez.
communication skills
this is one topic that i really like cuz it's basically like, jus talking and discussions. written stuff are kept to a minimum and the teacher jus rocks man. intelligent discussions are the rule of the day and i often walk out of the tutorial room feeling spent as i've jus spent the better part of 2 hours arguing with my classmates on topics that could jus go on forever. pros and cons of cloning. destiny vs faith. nature vs nurture. interesting.
fundamentals of food and beverage science
haha. this has jus gotta be the most interesting yet most detestful subject ever. i mean we get to learn about like choosing fresh foods and stuff like that, this being a foundation course to culinary science next year. the bad thing is that we spend 2 whole hours discussing food. like what is the most delicious food ever and stuff like that. which seriously can be a
torture when you skip breakfast every day like i do. that always results in my class practically scrambling to the canteen after lesson cuz we're really like
that hungry.
yup. that's kinda what i'll have to go through till the end of the year. quite different though from secondary and jc cuz its really really independent and the format of lessons are a far cry from that of the past and there are like twenty thousand projects to be done cuz exams do not weigh that much. but i like it cuz it gives you more free time to do whatever you want and hence i've spent quite a lotta time on the badminton courts and been hitting the gym once in a blue moon (and a
very blue moon at that). also, i think i'm gonna spend a lotta time on ccas. lets see...
speaking of ccas, i'm currently in the
community service club and i'm joining the adventure camp together with like 3/4 of the class so most prob i might join the
adventure club (think odac)as well. also, i'm so joining the
pacesetters, which is basically the student ambassadors of the poly, ie they entertain vips and do hostings and stuff. and i'm kinda torn between running for
union (council) and the
hospitality and tourism interest group. add
chinese orchestra and
wakeboarding to that. dotz. really a lot loh... haha. but will cut one lah. most prob it will be
com service + pace setters + wakeboarding loh. watcha think?
went with
amanda, hao, amelia, kelly, christine tang, gladys, audrey, diana, crystal and
tracy (brother!!) to catch windstruck on fri... was an ok show loh but the gals were like crying loh, some of them throughout the whole show. sorry gals, but
hao and i were like laughing thoroughout the show loh... and its really kinda funny and that resulted in us being labelled
sadists i mean what.... never mind.. anyways, i could have cried if not for the fact that i was so so so urgent for the last 1/2 hour that my concentration was elsewhere (you know what i mean) and not so much on the film. apparently hao was too and we practically RAN to the gents loh... haha..
met with my pri school people on fri as well for dinner.. apparently we are always meeting for dinner. and always returning home like well pass midnight. but heck. met with
jeremy, grace, daniel, tommy, xinyi, lisa, jiale and
jinyi den went to swensons and had dinner which resulted in us ordering like 20 scoops of ice cream... haha... talked a lotta crap loh and den went to yishun park
again jus to talk and do nothing.
jiale was so creeped out loh cuz it was like 12+ already and we were trying to scare the living daylights outta her.. sorry! and it was kinda enjoying too, cuz really haven seen
grace, lisa, and xinyi for the longest time ever, so it was great jus catching up...
random thought: the western food at the mensa 2 canteen is jus GREAT!!! i mean having such wonderful soups and meals at such affordable prices... and pacific dory with butter sauce at $3.20?!?! i mean i wouldn't be surprised if it costs $32 outside loh (maybe not that much lah) but its really value for money loh... :)
and to all the
jc people, will pray for ya! good grades are on the way!! hehe...
and to
46ians. pls pay $5 tmr k and the travel transport business will be on as usual on thurs. meanin we'll have to find another day to watch spiderman loh.. haiz. nvm lah. peeps, have fun this weekend (or whatever that is left of it) and i'll see ya tmr k!
posted by the protagonist . @ 1:59 PM
am in the midst of my 3 hour break.. which is a HUGE relieve after the buzz of activities this morning.. reached school at around 8 and met
lip chun!! this guy's a dear man! take care and hang on!! haha
rushed my bcs project and finally finished loh.. though there were things that were's that good, like the flash intro didn't really linked properly and the music wasn't really tested... and i had to run up 6 levels loh to phyllis' room and submitted the stupid thing at 8.59, when the project is supposed to be due at 9.00?? haha. thank god... :P
due to the rush and everything, was kinda tired and started zoning out during the intro to hospi and touri tutorial.. sorry mr prakash for being so lame!! haha, hoped u didn't mind!! :)
now gonna discuss the presentation which is tomorrow loh, haiz, FORMAL WEAR leh.. tired.. and zoned out.. but still happenin!!
wanna thank berton,
which oops, who was always so helpful to me and never hesitating to offer his services (or it might be me cuz i was kinda thickskinned) :P.. anyways, you rocked!!!
countdown to genting: 15 DAYS! YAH!!!
remembered by the protagonist . @ 1:05 PM
haiz... i'm sick!!!
-sniffs- didn't go to school today as was having sore throat and there are like bazillion ulcers in my mouth. which is
not a good thing considering the fact that they hurt like hell... and apparently everybody's falling sick...
terence, jo, aish, hang in there k!
projects... assignments.. deadlines!! ARGH.. haha.. maybe not to that extent lah but yup, can feel the strain.. but i'll pull through, no worries... :)
had online lesson today loh for
travel geog which in my opinion one of the most troublesome module that i have to take (the other being
bcs, which is SO boring) - roll eyes - was supposed to do discussion for a scenario which was supposed to take 1 hour only.. but guess wat, group 3 being group 3, took the whole of 2 hours and we submitted it 6 mins late, which i tot was ok.. hehe... cuz got some people lah.. couldn't agree on stuff and were quarralling like wat..
online? i mean.. grow up man....
submitting the scholarship tomorrow.. really hope to get it though but might be a trouble with my less than ideal olevels... nonetheless, shall give it a try... and with regards to my endless list of ccas, here's the update and i hope this wil be it :P..
- currently in
com service liao (confirmed)
- joining
pacesetters (confirmed)
- joinin
hospi and touri interest group sub com (confirmed)
tennis if
poh chin, amelia and
sister tracy decides to join.. (tentative)
so i think that's about it loh.. and wanna wish my ma,
JOSEPHINE, a very very very happie 17th birthday! from your cutest and smartest son,
ME! sorry couldn't be in school and celebrate with ya... :(
also a happie birthday to gorgeous MELISSA! may you stay pretty as always and get better in math k!! haha
-pukes- celebrated it together with
gene at
far east last fri.. so funnie and never laughed so much in a long time liao... took neoprints as well (YAH!!) and like bazallion pics on my camera.. (with
mel around.. its impossible NOT to take pics)
and finally confirmed
genting liao.. so happy!! here's the list..
me, alex, hao, terence, aishah, farissa, cassandra, amelia, tracy, kelly, felicia, crystal and danni... 13 pax, so must squeeze a bit since the hotel room could only accommodate 4... and didn't go
grasslands loh cuz the one at school promised that everybody got 2 breakfast while didn't turn out that way after we booked the thing... only have 4 breakfasts per room, meaning that we'd all get to eat on the first day and eat grass on the second.. kinda felt ripped off.. but alas, what to do? but still looking forward to it though.. :)
10/11/12... 19 days to go!!!!
remembered by the protagonist . @ 9:00 PM
as you can see people.. i FINALLY got a tag board!! haha... so people.. tag, tag TAG!!!
anyways, here's a lowdown on the past week...
went to watch
spiderman with a lotta people last wed.. hmm let me see..
christine tang, fer, amanda, carene, di, kelly, amelia, hao, alex, terence, tracy, far and danni... quite a nice show in the sense that i tot it was nicer that the first one, but the girls tot that it was kinda cheesy... :( quote fer "i am your bread, you are my butter" -rolls eyes-
nowadays are kinda filled with projects and stuff.. discussions etc.. though days are quite long.. its fun and enjoyable.. so well people.. i AM enjoying myself! hehe...
went to watch
mean girls with
neph today.. nice show, though i gotta admit that it was like a chick flick loh.. but i enjoyed it though plus the fact that
linsay lohan absoulutely rocked!! she is so so so pretty! :) highly recommended...
but something malu happened loh.. there were like 3 ahmad ibrahim girls and one of them accidentally knocked OFF my coke loh.. and it spilled all over the next seat.. so so so MALU!!!! and the girl who knocked it off didn't even apologise.. but i was kinda cool about it cuz couldn't really blame her loh.. but her friend was nice in the sense that she wanted to offer me her drink.. but its ok loh... still malu though.. ;)
genting with
alex, terence, kelly, tracy, hao, far, aishah, amelia, crystal, danni and cass during term break.. think gonna enjoy it lots.. looking forward.. 10/11/12 of aug.. can wait!!! genting.. HERE I COME!!! hehe...
remembered by the protagonist . @ 8:45 PM

Heart of Gold
What is Your Heart REALLY Made of? brought to you by Quizilla
hehe.. heart of gold... wat ya think?!
remembered by the protagonist . @ 11:19 PM
dotz.. jus realised that i haven't really been undating my blog as often or as frequent as before... poly's in full swing now and my class rocks compared to lip chun's... poor dude.. but its business information technology after all.. how happening can you get?
hm.. shall attempt to summarise whatever that has happened during the past few weeks in this entry.. so brace yourselves people as this might get quite long.. hehe...
lessons that boon currently has...
-intro to hospi and touri (interesting)
-business computing skills (boring)
-applied principles for effective living (apel)(contact time)
-travel geography (virtual lesson)
-microeconomics (dotz.)
-communication skills (think gp)
-tourism transport business (virtual lesson
-fundamentals of food and beverage science (always gets zifu and me hungry)
intro to hospi and touri
well, contrary to popular opinion, i actually
like intro to hospi and touri.. i think that though its quite dry, the syallabus is actually quite practical in the sense that you DO get to know more about how the whole industry operates and i think its quite essential for us when we get into the real world...
business computing skills
this has gotta be like one of the most boring subjects ever.. i mean how interesting can it get when the first few lects are based on information technology and you? and the lecturer's jus so monotonous that the students are dropping like dead flies.. (myself included) thank god that this is jus an hour lecture otherwise i might jus collapse... haha... and we get to learn dreamweaver and microsoft excel during the THREE HOUR lab lesson, which basically is tutorial as well.. and i think that lab lessons are basically not that good (ie useless) cuz people are like using msn and updating blogs when the teacher's teaching and nobody really listens much...
applied principles for effective living
this really is civics and moral education poly style. and it includeds topics like
knowing me knowing you , identifying one's purpose in life , sowing the seeds of effective living , NAVIGATING THE CROSSROADS OF LIFE. dotz. i mean, how duh can you get?
travel geography + tourism transport business
since they are about the same, shall jus talk about them together. basically, both are online lessons, meaning that the teacher would not be in class and you need not be in school for both lessons. which is really quite stupid considering the fact that they are both in the morning and i still have lessons in the later part of the day, separated by an hour's break, which means that i still have to come to school early in the morning... which means, dotz.
guess everyone knows what microecons is lah. and jus about everybody knows that i absolutely suck at econs. and the lecturer is like going super fast loh. i mean, she covered whatever i learnt in 3 months into like less that 3 hours loh. and that's super man. tutorials are still ok. at least for the moment. geez.
communication skills
this is one topic that i really like cuz it's basically like, jus talking and discussions. written stuff are kept to a minimum and the teacher jus rocks man. intelligent discussions are the rule of the day and i often walk out of the tutorial room feeling spent as i've jus spent the better part of 2 hours arguing with my classmates on topics that could jus go on forever. pros and cons of cloning. destiny vs faith. nature vs nurture. interesting.
fundamentals of food and beverage science
haha. this has jus gotta be the most interesting yet most detestful subject ever. i mean we get to learn about like choosing fresh foods and stuff like that, this being a foundation course to culinary science next year. the bad thing is that we spend 2 whole hours discussing food. like what is the most delicious food ever and stuff like that. which seriously can be a
torture when you skip breakfast every day like i do. that always results in my class practically scrambling to the canteen after lesson cuz we're really like
that hungry.
yup. that's kinda what i'll have to go through till the end of the year. quite different though from secondary and jc cuz its really really independent and the format of lessons are a far cry from that of the past and there are like twenty thousand projects to be done cuz exams do not weigh that much. but i like it cuz it gives you more free time to do whatever you want and hence i've spent quite a lotta time on the badminton courts and been hitting the gym once in a blue moon (and a
very blue moon at that). also, i think i'm gonna spend a lotta time on ccas. lets see...
speaking of ccas, i'm currently in the
community service club and i'm joining the adventure camp together with like 3/4 of the class so most prob i might join the
adventure club (think odac)as well. also, i'm so joining the
pacesetters, which is basically the student ambassadors of the poly, ie they entertain vips and do hostings and stuff. and i'm kinda torn between running for
union (council) and the
hospitality and tourism interest group. add
chinese orchestra and
wakeboarding to that. dotz. really a lot loh... haha. but will cut one lah. most prob it will be
com service + pace setters + wakeboarding loh. watcha think?
went with
amanda, hao, amelia, kelly, christine tang, gladys, audrey, diana, crystal and
tracy (brother!!) to catch windstruck on fri... was an ok show loh but the gals were like crying loh, some of them throughout the whole show. sorry gals, but
hao and i were like laughing thoroughout the show loh... and its really kinda funny and that resulted in us being labelled
sadists i mean what.... never mind.. anyways, i could have cried if not for the fact that i was so so so urgent for the last 1/2 hour that my concentration was elsewhere (you know what i mean) and not so much on the film. apparently hao was too and we practically RAN to the gents loh... haha..
met with my pri school people on fri as well for dinner.. apparently we are always meeting for dinner. and always returning home like well pass midnight. but heck. met with
jeremy, grace, daniel, tommy, xinyi, lisa, jiale and
jinyi den went to swensons and had dinner which resulted in us ordering like 20 scoops of ice cream... haha... talked a lotta crap loh and den went to yishun park
again jus to talk and do nothing.
jiale was so creeped out loh cuz it was like 12+ already and we were trying to scare the living daylights outta her.. sorry! and it was kinda enjoying too, cuz really haven seen
grace, lisa, and xinyi for the longest time ever, so it was great jus catching up...
random thought: the western food at the mensa 2 canteen is jus GREAT!!! i mean having such wonderful soups and meals at such affordable prices... and pacific dory with butter sauce at $3.20?!?! i mean i wouldn't be surprised if it costs $32 outside loh (maybe not that much lah) but its really value for money loh... :)
and to all the
jc people, will pray for ya! good grades are on the way!! hehe...
and to
46ians. pls pay $5 tmr k and the travel transport business will be on as usual on thurs. meanin we'll have to find another day to watch spiderman loh.. haiz. nvm lah. peeps, have fun this weekend (or whatever that is left of it) and i'll see ya tmr k!
remembered by the protagonist . @ 1:59 PM