Friday, October 29, 2004
i've come to the realization that i'm turning noctornal. for good. i can go to sleep like at 4-5am everyday and wake up at like 1-2pm. this is NOT GOOD. period. i need to tune the clock inside right before sem starts to prevent hell from breaking lose. again.
the past week has been quite ok, actually one of the more activity-packed week of the hols. went out walking on mon. dun ask me where, cuz i didn't know either.. hahas.. had ig meeting on tuesday which was quite fruitful, and i'm in charged of scramble rumble together with leigh, dawn and chris.. kinda like the ch explorer that we planned last year, so quite excited as i've had a ball of a time doing it, despite all the hard work. after that we had dance which was quite cool and the steps were much better den the usual poly dances i think, comparable to the jc ones.. hahas.. now the song's stuck inside my head. "5, 6, 7, 8!!!" -.-''' oh gosh. sidetrack, but i tot that the mickey dance is somewhat cool and funnie.. dun mind learnin.. :P
much of wednesday was spent infront of what i think is two of Man's worst invention. the telly and the com. haiz. i seriously need to cut down my time in front of them. from like NOW. thursday was a buzz of activity, with much advocated to packing for my trip to bangkok with my parents and my tweep of a brother.. hahas. not that excited as genting, but still looking forward to the trip for i've not been on an airplane for a LOONNGG time, nerdy as it might seem, but i enjoy flying. a lot. will be in the air in about 10? 12? hours time. and will be going to bangkok and pattaya for 4 days. turned out that avril is also booked on the same trip, but one week later. tough luck. hahas. ready to take on bangkok man! i've even written down a shopping list! :)
will be back on mon. peeps dun miss me k? :P
jo, dun think too much. have faith in the guy above. i do.
but i STILL wan a JOB.
posted by the protagonist . @ 1:19 AM
Saturday, October 23, 2004
am suppossed to wake up at 7.30ish tomorrow cuz got pacesetter training cum gm.. but the noctornal animal in me is still well alive.. need to be decked in formal wear somemore. not very agreeable to the idea but alas, still have to. :P venues are still unconfirmed, me blur. so is shaidah. i think.
went to k-box again. (2nd time in 3 daes) with jingyi and jiale. sang from 11+ till 3.. cool, and the rice at k-box absolutely sucked. big time. imagine actually being able to feel each grain of rice in ur mouth. not a very pleasant sight isn't it? not a very pleasant experience either. hahas..
got my results via sms today when i was in k-box. darn shocked, to say the least. did rather ok generally but could be better. am in the 1-25 percentile, together with glad, far and jia at the moment. not really reason to rejoice, but not substantial enough to grief over. guess i'd just have to buck up next sem.. must bia together with tere.. k? hahas..
finally bought my tiepin at goldlion today. excuse my language here, but it was darn freaking bloodi expensive loh.. $52!! but at least it came with a tie. -.-''' haiz, took a little setback in my savin-so-can-spend-like-crazy-in-bangkok fund. but nontheless. i shall not be deterred.
studied with daniel again today, this time at the cafe jus down the road, damn cool place, v conducive for study too! food's good, ambience not bad. made ok progress today.
sidetrack, but i found that my phone can do CONFERENCE CALLS!!! woohoo!! hahas. meaning more nights talkin to peeps like grace, daniel, jingyi, jiale again!!! and all at the same time too! damn cool. i'm amazed.
posted by the protagonist . @ 1:05 AM
Friday, October 22, 2004
dun ask me what am i doing, still up at close to 3am in the morning. neither do i know. life has jus been a blur these days, me just drifting around without much sense nor purpose. hiaz. i miss skol. for once. and i n e e d a j o b. N O W. despite of my schedule.. haiz
decided to change the main pic. a bit to obvious and too much according to jinyi and daniel. i like it. and its more subtle and cooler in a way.. so wat's ur prerogative?
just finished a four-way conference call with daniel, jingyi and grace. very cool and the converstation was meaninful, to cut a long story short. and i hoped it helped. :)
in the zoning out.
posted by the protagonist . @ 2:41 AM
Thursday, October 21, 2004
haiz.. these few days have been B-O-R-I-N-G!!! sleep sleep and more sleep.. i'm so sianed! lookin forward to going to bangkok no the 29th!! yah!! hehe...
aj open house
went back to aj for its open house on 16th.. had a rockin good time cuz met up with lotsa people that i've not seen in a looonnngg time.. peeps like my joseph... ah ma nad, pricks, junjie, gary etc and lotsa cat high as well as northland pple.. hanged out with mel and gene, just like the good old times.. hehe... and did the aj mass dance for quite a lotta times.. was quite surprised that i could still remember the steps to mambo, slam dunk and burriquito.. hahas... darn fun! was so surprised that mel actually volunteered to be a facilitator, but she wasn't really doing much cuz she was hanging out with me! but i really appreciated the gesture... thanks gorgeous!! :) den went to pastamania with gene and was slackin as usual loh.. really missed talking to him.. lots!! hahas..
have been helping daniel to bia for his o's which will be in less than a fortnight's time.. rather nervous for its like taking the o's myself. again. hahas... deja vu i guess... trying mua best though dun really think i'm helpin much.. haiz.. but still, jia you jia you da niu!!! it rhymes! :P see ya tomorrow for more k? hehe...
read finished yet another book!! yeah! this time its philip pullman's the subtle knife, his second installment in his dark materials trilogy.. damn cool loh since i've been trying to read that for the longest time after reading the northern lights.. can't wait to get my hands on the final installment, the amber spyglass!! intriguing! hahas...
posted by the protagonist . @ 11:45 PM
Sunday, October 17, 2004
just finished reading tuesdays with morrie, something that i've been wanting to read for the longest time.. and glad to say, i wasn't the least bit disappointed.. i expected to read about experiences and stuff but came out knowing so much more... it was certainly a beautifully written book of great wisdom that captures the simplicity beyond the complexities that life brings.. it truly was a story about and old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson.

excerpts from tuesdays with morrie
"as my visits with morrie go on, i being to read about death, how diferent cultures view the final passage. there is a tribe in the north american arctic who believe that all things no earth have a soul that exists in a minature form of the body that holds it - so that a deer has a tiny deer inside it, and a man has a tiny man inside him. when the larger being dies, that tiny form lives on. it can slide into somehting being born nearby, or it can go into a temporary resting place in the sky, in the belly of a great feminine spirit, where it waits until the moon can send it back to earth.
sometimes, they say, the moon is so busy with the new souls of the world that it disappears from the sky. that is why we have moonless nights. but in the end, the moon always returns.
as do we all."
"in the south american rainforest, there ius a tribe called the descana, who see the world as a fixed quantity of energy that flows between all creatures. every birth must therefore endenger a death, and every death bring forth another birth. this way, the energy of the world remains complete.
when they hunt for food, the desana know that the animals they kill will leave a hole in the spiritual well. but the hole will be filled by the sould of the desana hunters when they die. were there no men dying, there would be no birds or fishes being born. i like this idea. morrie likes it, too. the closer he gets to goodbye, the more he seems to feel we are all creatures in the same forest. what we take, we must replenish.
"its only fair", he says."
"you think so?" morrie rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. "i'm bargaining with Him up there now. i'm asking Him, 'do i get to be one of the angels?' "
it was the first time morrie admitted talking to god.
love each other or die.
posted by the protagonist . @ 3:59 PM
the past week has jus been crazy.. one week ago... the examinations ended, leaving me with a void (sorta) for i was at a loss of wat to do... hehe...
met up with jo, ber, bert and pricks for badminton (mel where are thou?!) couldn't get the courts so we ended up playing at some open space somewhere near my house lah.. can't really call it exercising, for we were playing with the wind more than with each other. it was that windy... in the end we jus gave up and stoned at the playgroupd, catching up with each other and gossipping as usual.. hahas... went to junction 8 for brunch and finally decided on cartel.. had a rockin good meal and was darn full... and of course.. it wouldn't be complete without a neoprint would it? and it was at my fave machine.. the one with the sofa and yadayada... hahas... and when we came out of the neoprint shop bert was intrigued by this medicure machine and i became fascinated as well.. so jo and ber were like pushin and edgin us to to do it.. and we did. results below. no comments. period.

cool right?
posted by the protagonist . @ 1:46 AM
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
hey hey.. jus checkin in here before i go off for the ig retreat at aloha loyang! haha... anyways the past few daes have been kinda boring. eat. sleep. tv. badminton. computer. blah. cept for the mudpies outing on saturday.. more on that when i come back, which will be on fridae... see ya

i don't need permission make my own decisions. that's MY prerogative.
posted by the protagonist . @ 10:25 AM
Saturday, October 09, 2004
hey hey!! exams are now officially over and its the start of the hols!! woohoo!! hahas.. know i'm a lil' hyper. ok a lot but the occasion calls for it dun cha think??
well felt that the exams in general were quite alright in the sense that the papers were standard ones lah, intro to hospi and touri wasn't done as well as i tot.. (i think.) cuz the sports hall was so damn hot.. why in the world would they want to hold examinations there anyways? dotz.. i was practically sweating throughout the 2 hour paper, with my right hand writing non-stop and my left hand wiping my sweat... not exactly a pretty sight but.. u get the pic.. hahas...
ffbs was a terror to study for cuz there was practically no past year paper to refer to and no tutorial questions for us to gauge the questions.. so it was a case of study everything and spot topics loh.. i practically only focused on the beverage and catering science section and in hindsight, wasn't the most feasible thing to do.. considering the fact that it was FOOD and beverage science after all.. but heck, tot that it was kinda good.. and the bulk of the questions really came from the latter sections.. so i was so darn relieved at the end of the paper... "consumers are now increasingly turning towards new world wines as compared to old world wines.." justify this statement anyone??
econs being the last paper was a good choice.. at the risk of sounding like a peacock, i was quite confident in econs so i didn't really study.. i ended up watching discovery travel and adventure at 2 am when i was supposed to be muggin.. but i DID k! but comparatively less la considering the fact that i mugged till 3am for intro and 4am for ffbs... well the paper in itself was kinda standard and when i finally heard the "stop writing now" from the stupid invigilator, i was damn relieved.. compared to amanda, who finished the paper like 45mins before time... i was like wat the... haha.. later when i compared the questions with gladys and far and the rest, i tot i did quite ok lah.. out of the first 2 sections where the total score was 40marks, think i scored 39... which was relatively ok considering the fact that it was POLY econs loh...
piggin out
finally went to farissa's shop. rather, farissa's dad's shop to eat.. with chrissy, glad, amelia, tracy, kelly, ah zhi aka sun, poh chin, audrey, hao, zifu, tere, alex, danni and crystal... kinda cool, the ambience was good cuz it was relatively empty. shared like zi char with christine, audrey and poh chin.. ordered four dishes that were like woah! but only three came.. but it was ok cuz ew were damn full after piggin on the fried baby squids, baby kailan and the hotplate tofu cuz i barely even touched my rice... but was kinda wasted cuz i was interested in finding out how the butter chicken tasted like.. right christine? haha.. wolfed down like a milo dinosaur and two cups of ice kosong.. and was bloated like hell.. spent like 2 hours jus crapping and stoning.. it was cool.. i guess pple didn't really wanted to leave but i had to go for the ig meetings that were always at the most inappropriate times... and cuz sorta was like the last day we'd be together as a class.. damn sad lah, but we'd always still see each others right?
ig meeting
long but interesting. kinda excited bout things to come.. and the chalet's set. :)
posted by the protagonist . @ 11:03 PM
Sunday, October 03, 2004
although exams are just next week, but i am currently in holiday mode liao... hehe.. dunno why, but after the ffbs presentation on two fridays ago, i didn't feel like doing work at all.. perhaps too shagged, but now should really get back to hitting the books liao..
school's great, though short. can u imagine that the sem has almost ended? haiz, and its darn sad when u gotta leave a class of super duper pple behind. but we'd still be in the same course.. so cheer up k peeps, dun cry like during ffbs! haha.. took lotsa pics during the last lesson with mr alvin tan, who, surprisingly, was so spontaneous, u rock mr tan!! haha... presentation was not bad in my opinion, since we really cheonged all the way.. yes, everyone. stayed over at farissa's house the day before to really do work and slept at like 5.30, woke up at 7.. was darn groggy, but it was cool, seeing gladys in her specs and crystal ironing our shirts at like wat? 4 am? hehe.. and also seeing poh chin. just seeing is enough to make me burst out laughing.. haha.. great project group that i know i'd miss. a lot.
movie under the stars
was darn unwilling to go for the event, seriously, for it was the last day of school liao and i badly wanted to hang out with the class... but still turned up nontheless... overall, the event turned out to be quite a success cuz we watched 50 first dates in the lt cuz it started drizzling (poor karin, she was praying that it would not happen, but seriously, i tot everyone was. i knew i was.) thank god the weather turned out fine later, so we watched love actually in the amphitheater.. it was so so so cool... haha.. i really love the show.. and the ambience, it was unparalled. so had a rocking good time! thanks guys for making the event a success.. both main and sub com! thanks thanks thanks!
grades and xams
so far quite pleased with my grades lah, though they were coursework components only.. still got exams.. for ffbs, econs and transport all got A, but got a B for intro. quite sad, but still.. must buck up!!! hehe.. exams on tues, thurs and fri, intro, ffbs and econs in that order.. seriously, can't wait man! so that the hols will be here sooner and i wanna work!!!!!
ps: poh chin! a happie belated birthday to my ben dan! thanks for all the laughter!
pps: someone's birthday coming soon! i will NOT forget!!
i would die in estacy...
posted by the protagonist . @ 1:11 PM