Tuesday, August 16, 2005
island life . love it !
head waiter today was a blast!! hehe.. though tough and rather unmangeable at times, i've had a great time and here's a shoutout too all that made it possible, my service team, captains and mr neo and mr joseph!! hahas. you guys rocked!
went out with lihiang to sakae for buffet lunch and throughly enjoyed myself. good food, good manager (adrian rocks) great company, what more could one ask for? hahas.. but was the part after the meal that simply blew me away.
had a lil escape..went for a walk with ah hiang on the beach and passed various points, we even went across the bridge!! whoohoo!! hehe.. nice area, next time must swim there okie! :) and laid down on the sand!! just like that.. hehe ultimate relaxation, if you exclude the sand that was sticking to ya everywhere..
also saw something that was rather provocative.. but i admire them for that.. hehe (ps, it has got to do with 2 guys, rather closely "knitted" , in the water) woah.. hehe.. sry for invading ur privacy!
beautiful pics ahead. (cuz i took them ma.. :P)

kudos to the coconut tree for shading me while i was lying down on the sand!

siloso beach rocks. big time.

looks like a promo for lost eh.. hehe nice way to say goodbye...

think this just takes the cake.. so... woah!
great day!! hehe gotta come back with ah hiang and the gang really soon!!
posted by the protagonist . @ 12:00 AM
Saturday, August 06, 2005
of taking breathers and being desperate.
its been rather long since i last blogged cuz i was so caught up with stuff that i barely had the time to take a breather. well that is until yesterday, the day where service as well as the marketing and crs projects were due.. god, wat a relief.. the gang and i spent the night over at my house and worked like crazy.. hahas.. so here's a big shoutout to my baobei mel, kaili, manda and xiuwen.. we rock!!! hehe.. just a lil longer to go den we're done.. :P looking forward to living together and studying in hawaii! hahas
didn't sleep at all last night but made up for it by sleeping pretty much through the whole day today. hahas.. and i know this entry's rather "early" but i've been spending all night catching up on my dose of desperate housewives.. finished bout 8 episodes in one shot.. power ah.. hehe.. halfway through liao.. so exciting.. :P
still not rather happy with the general state of things as i've really been procrastinating these days and exams are looming.. so gosh. must buck up liao. in addition, i am still NOT happy with a certain someone that pisses me off pretty much all the time. though its bad and against morals, but when it comes to that person, to the heck with morals.. ARGH!
well i'm gonna enjoy and make the most outta my weekend break and would't let her spoil my beautiful days...
here's to my wonderful group and to being desperate..
posted by the protagonist . @ 5:40 AM