beginning of the end ?
sem 3.1 has finally begun and seriously, i was anticipating it with mixed emotions. on one hand i couldn't wait for it to commence, on the other was of cuz, the perks of sleeping like there is no tomorrow. bah!
lots of loose ends to tie up admist the lectures and tutorials this sem and there's the frantic rush for sip that's on everyone's agenda these days. frankly speaking, i was rather disappointed at the variety of placements offered. till now, there isn't a single one that really caught my eye, "like die die must go" but there are a few that's like, "not bad, can try.."
the point is, for my internship, "not bad, can try.." just ain't gonna cut it.
posted by the protagonist . @ 2:06 AM
emptiness . void .
was hunting for my hp box when i chanced upon my barang barang box titled, well, "barang barang" in it were memories of times gone by, where the world was simpler and i was well, happier? cuz there was you.
chanced upon the letters that you would send me without fail every christmas and birthday and emotions welled up, despite me not wanting so. so how is it that we have drifted so far apart when we were practically inseparable in secondary school?
is it the fact that we are no longer in the same world, with you in jc while i went to poly?
is it the possibility that we are to busy with our lives to stop and catch up?
is it because we no longer cared?
that i can assure you is not the case, for my heart always skips a beat whenever i see your name in my inbox folder, even if its just a forward message. thanks for taking the effort in a little way to let me know that you are well and you wished me the same....
love always, my dearest fren.
posted by the protagonist . @ 12:43 AM
was casually browsing through my phone the other day and realised the myraid of photos that i've taken with it over the past year and a half.. not only were the pictures fond memories of places and people, they also served as a reminder the last year and a half of my absolutely interesting (yea right.) life.. so here they are.. :P
reading leigh's blog the other day and come to a resolution that i've known it since like forever - this girl can write! one of my closest seniors.. gonna miss all those lunch dates and gossip sessions with ya during your lunch time.. how nice it was when bitching sessions was just a bus ride away from your office.. take care le girl and dun forget me! (kill you if you do.) hahas...
skol's reopening next monday, well once again, there's this dilemma of looking forward to meeting my mates again, but still, the luxury of sleeping like there's no tomorrow (trust me, i do.) is hard to forgo.
oh ya, back to the pics.. if a picture speaks a thousand words, then let them speak for themselves...

poh chin and myself.. competing to see who can have the smaller face on cam. i won this time. :P

TAS chronicles.. myself and cindy baby, with hiang trying to get outta the way..

leigh and me after the htm dnd 05.
chubs! my new beanie.. :)
auntie ann's newborn jermay.. who's a total gem.. abet a rather BIG gem.. hahas..

jermay again.. cannot believe she fell asleep on my legs just like that.. well.. guess babies will always be babies..

supergirl jerms with chubs.
posted by the protagonist . @ 10:35 PM
in denial .
hey world.. just saw the finale of america's next top model and although i've known for months who the winner was, it was still kinda exciting watching the episode. which i confirmed my conclusion: kayleh rocks like hell and keenyah's attitude is well.. hell. hm.. though rooting for kayleh, but naima was good as well.. still, tyra is still the main attraction of the show! hahas..
went back to tas library the other day with hiang and amanda to return and borrow books.. but kena cheated by the librarian cuz she told me that it would be opened everyday but changed to mon and wed. wat the.. dotz.. oh ya, caught corpse bride too.. maybe a tat too morbid but still enjoyable nonetheless..
going out with manda, cindy baby and hiang again tomorrow to cuppage partyworld so that manda can spend her $20 voucher from stef's newest cd (i got that too but is china version so.. :P).. long time no see cindy baby le.. hahas.. we gonna catch up gal!
sidetrack but the seniors are going to dubai (leigh, fagan and company) and nelson's just came back from his stint in austria and his european hols (which i am just plain jealous of)
well, i'm still holding my own though... snuggling up to my very own rough guide to first time europe. bah!
posted by the protagonist . @ 12:28 AM
memory lane .
just dug up this practically ancient picture from the depths of my laptop. hahas.. brought me back to a time where times were nice and innocent.. hahas.. erm not saying that they aren't now.. but still, nice stroll down memory lane nonetheless..

manda, fer, glad and me indulgin in the shade that the umbrellas provide while the rest of the 46ers prepare for their captain ball board ball basket ball games for the htm olympics ( by the way, we came in 2nd for captain ball!! whoohoo!!)
posted by the protagonist . @ 11:47 PM
heys all, sorry for the lack of updates as i've been rather busy of late.. hahas.. but thankfully, all the hive of activities have passed rather uneventfully and smoothly so i am able to update again! whoohoo!!
well, its been a while since the last update.. in that time, i went to kl and genting and back, organised the second recruitment of changi youth ambassadors, went for work and resigned, went for chalet, went to see specialist with regards to my back (which most of you would know, is hurting like crazy) among others.
in addition, i went for the mri scan, which looks like the scan for cancer patient.. :P hahas.. was lying down there and was wheeled in to the big and scary looking machine.. hahas.. sorry for being so morbit but it sorta reminded me of cremation, where you push the coffin into the erm.. hahas.. enuff.. anyways, it was a strange enough experience... the doc has got my results already, so going in to see him tomorrow morning.. haiz, hope that can get everything cured and healed asap (b4 skol reopens...)
in the mean time, after quitting at king power (airport duty free) where i had a great time, i have been sorta slacking at home, sleeping late and waking up late as well.. woah, this is life man!! :P anyways, rented lotsa vcds yesterday.. ice princess, monster in law, the ring 2, kill bill2 , constantin, millions.. hm.. movie times ahead!
going out with hiang and manda tmr! can't wait! :P
sidetrack but alicia keys rocks.. chilling out to her unplugged album now..
posted by the protagonist . @ 1:02 PM
just a short note. going to KL and genting in less than 4 hours time!! whoohoo!! hahas.. quite excited and especially bout the company, dearie mel, crazy xiu wen and the intellectual, ah hiang.. hahas.. the malaysians better watch out. (oops.)
hm.. had to settle quite some stuff but nonetheless still glad that everything's ok and done liao.. whoohoo!! hahas.. :)
and the hols are a bore after all the last min studying and non stop mugging last week.
posted by the protagonist . @ 2:54 AM
bits and pieces.
hahs. didn't know that i haven't blogged in such a long while.. so a big apology to those who read my blog (erm.. like 3pple) and here it is! the newest installment in my absolutely happening life! (yea like real.)
well guess what? yours truly finally turned 18 le.. hahas... after a lot of pacing around and waiting and waiting and waiting.. you get the pic.. anyways, it turned out that being 18 isn't such a big deal after all.. no cake, no celebrations, no presents (k was lying about the last part, but substantially lesser) haiz.. sad lo.. on the bright side.. i received tons of smses and well wishes.. so here's a big shoutout to all who remembered!
hahas.. and cuz, thanks to dearest camillus for the card.. (though i only opened it today)what more could i ask for than a fren like ya? hehe luv ya to bits!!
registered for my basic theory le! whoohoo! hahas.. downside is i still gotta have to wait till like 26th sept before i can take it.. darn! the waiting's killing me! hehe.. but bo bian lah.. wat to do??
and eat your hearts out! i'm going overseas again.. hahas.. this time with great company nonetheless.. auntie xiuwen, mel mel and ah hiang.. 5d4n somemore.. kl and genting, brace urselves cuz we are coming!! (em. that is until i figured out how much to pay and how to get the cheapest rate out of the travel agent.)
sidetrack. despite posting in a performance that is nothing short of spectacular, dear kelly still lost to that guy. argh. hate him. anyways, think she got the better deal.. prepare for world domination by kelly!! (erm a tat over liao but cannot help lah).
as you can see, amidst all the hive and activities that is going on in my life, one can forgive me for not studying during the study week when i have 4 papers to sit for next week.. which brings me to my next point.. results sucked!! coursework only 2As and got 2B+s somemore.. darn sad lo.. haiz.. but den again.. the above is just an excuse for me to not study.
its the devil in mua that's talking. hah!
posted by the protagonist . @ 10:07 PM